
Showing posts from January, 2015

Happy New Year!

I always make a resolution to simplify my life and say "no" to things that I don't have time for. Well, I guess I screwed up already... again. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to wander around a railyard and photograph some fun, colorful graffiti. I have no idea if I was trespassing or not... but nobody yelled at me so I take that as in invitation to come back anytime. :) I've had an idea in my head for a while to create a collection of photographs of graffiti that make it seem less grungy and "offensive". I've never considered it offensive (I actually scope out passing trains to find the coolest examples), but it is technically vandalism and most communities frown upon this type of artistic expression. My original goal of this project was to soften the harsh texture of the rusty steel coated in layers of spray paint with soft, shiny embroidery stitches. Also... I've heard that cross stitching is "coming back"... whatever that mea...

A Running Year in the Books... literally.

So... if you've been reading my blog, you recall I started running earlier last year, and I mentioned my little scrappy journal that I was keeping for logging my runs and races and inspiration... Well... I decided I wanted to do something more "finished" looking about halfway through the summer. A photo book! I had that huge pile of race bibs hanging on my bib board and no where to keep them after the year was over, so I designed a layout in Photoshop to include a photo of the race t-shirt, any photos of me from the event, the race name and logo, the date, my time and the race distance, all set opposite of a blank page to attach the bib to. I think it turned out great, and I absolutely love it! I've gotten so many compliments on it, I thought I'd share it with you all...   First, the front cover. I took this photo after a rainy 10K at Potawatomi State Park in Door County, WI called Run Wild. I loved this race a lot, despite the weather.  Picturesqu...