Brew Gifting Continued...
It's been a while since I've made an update on the progress of the homebrewing stuff I'm working on. That's probably because I haven't made a ton of progress. Ha ha. About a week after I dropped of the old wood desk at my Grandpa's house, he decided that it was probably best if I kept it elsewhere since he hasn't been feeling the best. "Elsewhere" ended up being in my backyard, covered with a tarp to hide it from Homebrew Hubby. And then it snowed a bunch. Joy! Fortunately, Neil had a rare burst of ambition (no doubt inspired by my slightly dramatic meltdown about not being able to give any gifts this year at all) and cleaned out one of the little rooms in our basement for me to work on "secret" projects in. So that's where that sits for the time being. I did get the pieces cut to add the shelves and patch up the sides, although I did forget to trim the top piece to length... darn. I'll just have to bring it to work with me. ...