Lost & Found! Re-purposed, Mis-placed and Re-discovered!

Wow! Talk about an exciting turn of events!

I was forwarded an email a couple weeks ago from my former boss (I left my job and changed email addresses) stating that the ReStore has found my Repurpose for a Reason project from 2018! They have since moved into a new location, and I guess they found my wall hanging hiding away in a crevice in the old store when they were cleaning it out. I'm so glad it turned up! I was really, really bummed about it for a long time... I spent a lot of time on it and I thought it was lost forever!

If you didn't hop back to read about it, I created a quilted wall hanging out of pieces of discarded/re-purposed printed billboards, which was definitely an interesting challenge. I think my sewing machine has finally forgiven me, 18 months later.

Here is the picture they sent in the email- the ONLY picture I have of the entire finished product!

They'll be putting it in the auction at the event this coming fall, so I'll be sure to get a few more pictures of it on display then. :)


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