Repurpose for a Reason

Our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore is hosting a really cool fundraiser, and I think I want in!

They're allowing artists (or whoever) to come in to the store, pick an item for free, and "flip it" to auction off at an event in November. It's like Flea Market Flip in real life!

I stopped in at the store on my way home from work today, and I was eyeing up lots of fun pieces...

These two lamps remind me a little bit of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie Style. I thought about doing some stained glass shades for them, but I haven't done any glass work in forever and don't really have the tools or materials anymore. Plus, the lamps were a little bit wobbly and I thought maybe the glass tops would be too heavy for them.

I really liked this weird steel colored 3-light chandelier. Some of the little pieces were textured almost like corrugated galvanized sheeting, which makes me think of farmhouses and industrial stuff- both super popular decorating trends right now.

Then this big entertainment center slash wardrobe thing caught my eye. I could totally see this with an Asian-inspired design and color scheme, but upon closer inspection it wasn't really that high-quality. Definitely an option though!

I wandered down all the isles looking for anything that could be completely transformed into something else... this fluorescent light cover would make a really interesting backlit art panel, creating an ambient glow or nightlight effect. Heck, for $2 there'd really be no risk in trying.

I walked past dozens and dozens of beautiful old wood doors too. I zeroed in on a set of three tall, narrow ones. They were painted white, and maybe about 15" wide. I thought they'd make a pretty room divider of some sort if they were all hinged together. But no ideas immediately came to me, so I kept walking.

Neil found this really interesting-looking cabinet, and I was super excited when I saw him open the doors from across the store. Orange glass! But alas, the inserts were weird brittle plastic, not glass. It would still make a really interesting, kitschy piece though!

It kind of reads Flintstones when I look at it now... yabba dabba doo!

Then I saw it. An old, beat up leather suitcase. I laughed when I saw the price tag- $1.50! I didn't even think twice. I grabbed it and took it with me. Of course, since Howie is always on my mind, I thought this cool old thing would make a totally hipster doggy bed for one posh pooch. 

And how did I miss the huge bin filled with rolls upon rolls of upholstery fabric the first three times I walked past it?! I found the cutest woven synthetic fabric that kind of looks like a Louis Vuitton printed leather (I think!), and some complimentary fabrics in orange and green. We'll just call it Pucci Gucci.

I brought my treasures to the checkout counter, where I signed all the forms and stuff and promised to return with a finished item by November 1. My total of $16.50 came in well below the $75 allotment... if this were actually Flea Market Flip, I'd be willing to bet I'm going to turn a huge profit on this thing (all for Habitat for Humanity)! I'm so pumped! 

Howie approves. Hopefully he lets me return it when it's done... 

Aaaaaand, I guess it could be a cat bed too! Quark wasted no time checking it out, and Spud decided to join him.

Stop by again in the next few weeks to see how it's coming along! I'll be sure to make a big update post after the auction too.


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